Health Safety Environment Policy
Health Safety & Environment Policy
MIMA & Brothers as an Electrical & HVAC Contractor is used to implement their HSE policy in each and every work / job.
The main jobs involved of a project are, supply and installation of Light Fixtures, Various types of Systems i.e. Fire Alarm, CCTV, MATV, Sound System, Access Control System, Fire Suppression System, Automatic Sliding Door, Rat Repellant, Water Detection, Wiring & Wiring Accessories, Main/Sub main Cables etc. as well as to implement HSE Requirements.
The objective of this HSE case for Electrical & HVAC projects is to be given an overview of possible hazards associated with the Electrical & HVAC works, their identification, assessment and the control measures that shall be undertaken during the project. It also demonstrates that if controls are lost, recovery can be effective and medical facilities are available as soon as possible.
The document is considered as a living document and MIMA & Brothers would try their best for the maintenance of this HSE MS. A review and update of this document will be carried out for every new project and when ever new hazards are identified, the control measures will be incorporated in the document.
2.1 Leadership and Commitment
MIMA Company’s management demonstrates its leader ship and commitment to HSE in all its operations by the following methods:
• Allocation of necessary resources, such as time and money to HSE matters.
• Implementation of its HSE policies.
• Appointment of a dedicated HSE officer at site.
• Ensure development, maintenance and implementation of the HSE Management system for Electrical & HVAC Operations.
2.2 Policies, Objectives and Targets
MIMA’s HSE policy is placed at Appendix 1.
The objectives are as follows:
• Carry the project in compliance with Concerned Project policies also complying with all local and national legislation and where possible by applying international protocol, agreements and conventions.
• To protect the employees, third parties and equipment and environment from HSE hazards associated with work and work environment.
• To develop and put in place all emergency plans to recover from any incident as soon as possible.
• To avoid vehicle accidents.
Following are the targets for the Electrical & HVAC operation:
• Zero fatalities.
• Total sickness absence of less than three percent.
• To have a first aider attend any injury within four minutes of its occurrence.
• Zero LTI in line with PEPL’s safety target.
• Zero TRC in line with PEPL’s safety target.
• Zero major environmental incident.
• Zero occupational diseases.
2.3 Organization Responsibilities and Resources
The HSE responsibilities of the main staff are in Appendix-2.
2.4 Training and Competence
The HSE officer at site will be responsible to arrange / provide necessary HSE training to all the personal employed to work at site with MIMA with the coordination of Concerned Project site construction manager. Senior supervisors are also directly involved in the training of personal for whom they are responsible. The identified HSE hazards could be effectively controlled by education all the staff at site.
MIMA follows the following training schedule during the course of operations:
Course Title Status Trainer Schedule Nominee
HSE Induction M HSE Officer Before commencing Assigned work/new Recruitment All
Supervisor’s Workshop M HSE Officer Before commencing Full operations All Supervisor
First Aid-1 (basic) R Doctor/Medic Before commencing Assigned work All
First Aid-11 M Doctor/Medic Before commencing Assigned work Monthly refresher All First Aide
Fire Fighting M HSE Officer Start of operations All fire wardens
Defensive driving M HSE Officer Before commencing Assigned work All drivers
Handling of Explosive M HSE Officer Before commencing Assigned work All Staff involved
Detail of the training is in Appendix 3.
2.5 Communication and work force involvement
The success of the safety structure depends above all on the active and willingness to participate of all personal and commitment of its management.
Knowledge of HSE regulations and safe working practices often depends on repeating instructions.
MIMA would like personnel to:
• Beware of the importance of HSE and to implement HSE doctrine.
• Communicate and discuss freely, both among themselves and with the management about HSE matters.
• Be aware of the HSE performance of the crew.
• Be aware that both Concerned Project and MIMA management are actively encouraging progress on HSE matters.
• Report all indicates including unsafe acts, situation and near misses promptly for the purpose of learning from these incidents, rectifying the unsafe situations and to prevent re occurrence.
To promote that message, effective communication between the work force and the management is of prime interest. Achieving this is performed through routine day to day contacts or discussions and a structured system of HSE meetings which is defined below:
Daily Toolbox meeting Each field crew/all personnel
Weekly Weekly safety meeting Supervisors, Foreman with HSE officer.
Fortnightly Managers Safety Operation meeting Site Construction Manager, Site Project Manager, Supervisor & HSE Officer.
Fortnightly Managers Safety Progress meeting Concerned Project Operations Manager, Concerned Project HSE Manager Site Construction Manager Site Project Manager
Monthly Management Meeting GM Concerned Project, MIMA Operations Manager, Concerned Project HSE Manager.
Toolbox meetings: Daily – Each field crew/all personnel
To discuss the work for upcoming day with associated HSE implications, if any, stress the importance of safety, encourage incident reporting and gather feedback from personnel.
Weekly safety meeting:
Weekly – supervisor, Foremen with HSE Officer and safety crew to communicate safety procedures from the safety department and discuss unsafe acts, incidents and near misses and mitigation measures.
Fortnightly meeting:
Site construction Manager, Site Project Manager, supervisor and HSE Officer – Supervisor to attempt to resolve issues raised at toolbox and weekly meeting, discuss unsafe acts, incidents and near misses and mitigation measures.
Fortnightly Progress Meetings:
Fortnightly – Concerned Project Operations Manager, Concerned Project HSE Manager, Site Construction Manager, Site Project Manager. This meeting can be either held in the field or by means of a conference call. This will be to discuss methods for improvement and means for putting these methods into effect with Concerned Project top management.
Monthly Management Meeting:
Monthly – GM Concerned Project, MIMA Operations Manager, Concerned Project HSE Manager. This will be review the progress of the field crew and to discuss methods of improvement and allocation of resources.
The prime objectives of HSE meetings are to:
• Allocation time to address HSE matters.
• Identify unsafe practices or conditions and seek ways of illuminating them.
• Avoid environmental damage.
• Convey relevant messages to the work force on health and safety issues.
• Obtain the views of and encourage contribution from the work force on operating the procedures, safety precautions and any other measures to ensure or improve healthy and safety.
• Increase health, safety and environment awareness and to obtain contribution for, and commitment to the MIMA HSE plan and address and resolves issues, concern or problem that arise.
Maintaining the attention of the junior staff during HSE meetings can be hard to achieve at times and close supervision is required in this area. Dividing the work force in small groups in one way of getting their participation. Involving the local foremen in the preparation of the meetings can also improve communications.
2.5.1 Reporting
All incidents are reported to the site Construction Manager and Concerned Project Karachi office on the daily report. The crew medic and the HSE officer are responsible for classifying the cases as per the Concerned Project HSE MS.
In the event an resulting in a major injury (lost Time Accident, LTA or Permanent partial Disability, PPD), or any environmental incident, or worse, the site Construction Manager and Concerned Project have to be notified as soon as possible. All accidents are investigated and a detailed investigation report shall be submitted within one week of the occurrence of the accident to concerned Project. A preliminary report with initial facts shall be reported to Concerned Project within 24 hours after occurrence of an incident.
2.5.2 Statistical reporting
The following statistics are kept on crew and are calculated on a weekly or monthly basis.
• Personal exposure hours the number of man-hours which personnel are exposed to the work environment.
• Vehicle kilometers the number of kilometers driven by all crew vehicles.
• Speed and late driving violations the number of excess speed and late violations.
• Safety statistics the number of lost Time Accident (LTA), Medical Treatment Cases (MTC), Restricted Work Cases (RWC) and First Aid Cases (FAC), in addition to the cases of illness treated by MIMA’s medical personnel.
• Incidents / Near miss / Unsafe act the number and description of incidents near misses and unsafe acts and their potential severity.
2.5.3 Progress Reporting
The safety performance of crew will be communicated to Concerned Project through the following methods:
• Monthly safety Report (With complete statistics)
• Monthly Medical Report (With complete statistics).
• Minutes of safety meetings held on crew.
2.6 Planning and Procedures
A procedure is a document providing rules, guidelines and instructions for activities or their results, aimed of the optimum degree in a given context. The list of procedures tailored for crew to be followed is as follows:
• General safety & working procedures (Appendix 4)
• Permitting and public relations & Safe driving procedure (Appendix 4)
• Emergency & Medivac procedure (Appendix 7)
• Major incident procedure (Appendix 8)
• Handling & Storage of Explosives procedures (Appendix 9)
• Transportation & Crew Transportation procedure (Appendix 10 & 11)
• Hand & Power Tools (Appendix 12 & 13)
2.7 Journey Management
The transport supervisor will be responsible for the journey management for the crew and will be supervised by the site project engineer. The operation will include:
• Vehicle location and movements will be recorded on the vehicle movement board.
• Regular vehicle maintenance schedule is to be carried out.
• Driver daily checklist for all vehicles.
2.7.1 Vehicle Standard
All vehicles both company and any rental vehicles, used on the operation are required to meet set standard or safety and medical operation and are thoroughly checked by the mechanic before being allowed to work. Rental vehicles are supplied or upgraded with the required safety equipment. Safety checklists are completed for each vehicle upon arrival on crew.
2.7.2 Speed Limits
Speed limits fore vehicles operation on crew have been set at 80 km/h on metalloid road, 30 km/h on tracks or in towns / villages & 20 km/h on tracks in hilly sections.
2.7.3 Drivers
All drivers will hold a valid driver’s license and have previous driving experience. Drivers will be assessed before being employed and checked at regular intervals thereafter. All drivers should be medically fit with perfect eyesight (or wear required glasses).
2.8 Emergency Response Planning
The control measures are in place for combating the related HSE hazards, however the plants have been developed to recover as soon as practical in case the controls are lost. MIMA has developed the following main emergency procedures:
2.8.1 Fire
The fire emergency procedure aims to ensure that everybody is out of reach of the fire and limits the spread of the fire. The crew evacuation plan will be posted in the field offices, mess and at various locations through out the camp. The fire response plan is in Appendix 5
2.8.2 Medical Emergency
The medivac procedure aims to provide first aid immediately and if required move a casualty as fast as possible to an adequate medical facility. A first aider will remain available with every crew. An ambulance with proper equipment will remain stationed at base camp and will be used in case of medical evacuations. The contents of the first aid boxes are in Appendix 7.
2.8.3 Accident / incident Reporting Procedure
Accident reporting procedure aim to recover from any accident as soon as possible.
All incidents are recorded, reported and investigated. These are also reported to Concerned Project. The flow of information of information from the field will be thoroughly the Site Construction Manager (SCM).
2.9 Explosives
Consideration is to be made to the manner in which the explosives will be kept are in accordance with the regulations of the explosive acts Government.
2.10 Environment
It is a policy of MIMA to operate in such a manner that environment is not disturbed, the guidelines are in Appendix 11.
Performance By whom Frequency
Inspection of first aid boxes and ambulance.
Inspection of fire fighting equipment
Vehicle Inspection
Observing safe working Procedures
Visits to crew first aider
Journey management
Crew HSE Inspection
Crew Inspection
Crew Inspection
Medic/HSE Officer
HSE Officer
HSE Officer/Project Engineer
HSE Officer
Project Engineer
Site Construction Manager
MIMA Operations Manager
Concerned Project HSE Manager
Once during the project
4.1 Frequency of Drills
Fire Drill Weekly
Medivac Drill Fortnightly
5.1 Pre-employment checking
All staff will be required to undergo a pre-employment medical examination to confirm fitness to work. This check will consist of:
• X-ray for food handlers
• Blood and urine screen for food handler
• Physical examination
5.2 Drugs and substance Abuse
All staff is strictly prohibited to work under influence of alcohol or narcotic substance.
Random checking of expatriate and local staff in critical positions may be carried if required.
Appendix – 1
HSE policy is part of the MIMA. Health safety and environment policy, which states as follows:
Undertakes to give priority to health, safety and protection of environment when carrying out it activities and to insists on the same policy from its sub contractors.
Quality productivity can only be guaranteed if these principles are applied. To this end MIMA undertakes to:-
Promote its convocation that all accidents can be avoided.
Train its personnel in health, safety and protection of the environment before and during all types of activity.
Insist on personnel protective equipment being worn systematically.
Develop in association with the proper authorities, emergency or evacuation procedures to minimize the consequences of accident.
Conduct research to establish procedures, which improve health, safety and protection environment, have activity sites checked regularly by management and the HSE department.
Define practical means for taking into account and minimizing the impact of our activity on the environment.
Incorporate these principals into the responsibilities of its management.
By applying these principles, we aim to improve our working conditions.
Ensure better services for our clients contribute to profitably.
Appendix – 2
The Operations Manager in Conjunction with its staff is responsible for:
• Ensuring the implementation of the Concerned Project HSE Policies and the HSE MS for the site construction.
• Verifying the suitability and completeness of the emergency procedures.
• Authorizing the implementation of any corrective action required to rectify all identified deficiencies.
• Ensuring the availability of necessary resources for above.
Site Engineer, MIMA
• Define MIMA’s HSE policies, objectives and targets for the period of Electrical & HVAC operations.
• Define necessary equipment, material and personnel.
• Allocate necessary resources for HSE.
• Verify the suitability and effectively of emergency plans.
• Plan and attend regular structured inspections and management visits.
• Decide whether to stop or suspend the work if the safety of personnel or equipment is compromised.
Site construction Manager, Concerned Project
Responsible and report to the Operations / Drilling Manager, the responsibilities include:
• Supporting the operations Manager with his responsibilities.
• Daily operational reporting to the Concerned Project.
• Informing IMT coordinator of all safety and security incidents.
• Reviewing the HSE MS to ascertain its continued effectiveness.
• Ensure that all the operations are carried out in a safe and efficient way.
• Ensuring the implementation of the HSE MS on the crew.
• Making structured inspections.
• Organizing and participating of the HSE Meetings.
Project Manager
• Responsible and coordinate to the SE MIMA and site Construction Manager for the safe movement and operation of all machinery used on the site and monitoring working quality.
• Ensure that all aspects of operation safety are understood and practiced by the working crew on the site and that maintenance, repairing, refueling and any other work carried out by his staff is to the required safety standard.
• Supervising operations and to ensure that all machinery is moved and operated by competent operators, that the conditions and terrain are with in the capabilities of both men machinery and that the HSE procedure concerning the operations are strictly adhered to.
• Ensure secure storage of vehicles after each day’s operation.
• Responsible for verifying the qualifications and competence of all operators and helpers employed.
• Make sure that personnel under his immediate supervision are aware of, and practice, all HSE procedure.
• Holds meetings with his staff to coordinate HSE procedures and receive feed back about HSE concerns, Motivate his team by recognizing and rewarding good performance.
• Ensure that all his staff have been issued with, and use the required safety equipment (PPE).
• Checks that all vehicles and machinery are fitted with guards, warning horns, fire extinguisher and all other necessary safety equipment.
• Reports all problems of HSE concern to the top management and safety officer (and suggest improvements).
HSE Officer
• To develop an effective and comprehensive training program.
• Define and check precise/adaptable emergency procedure; communications plan.
• Define camp move plan; precise terrain constraints and means to deal with these constraints.
• Define precise specific precautions for vehicles and traffic control.
• Ensure that the camp infrastructure is prepared to set safety standards.
• Ensure that waste pits are properly dug; proper construction of toilets.
• Organize and conduct testing of the contingency plans and exercises.
• Issues a safety compi8lation booklet to supervisors and foremen for frequent reference and transmission of information to junior personnel.
• Stays in close contact with Concerned Project HSE advisor.
• Organize and monitor the reconditioning, installation and maintenance of fire-fighting equipment.
• Ensures that adequate Medivac equipment is in place – check it.
• Responsible to the project Manager. Advises him in all HSE aspects of work and ensures all his HSE instructions and carried out.
• Maintains records of all progress through reports and action summaries. Actions are noted as they are completed and any HSE procedures recorded when they are implemented.
• Writes his weekly/monthly HSE report which is sent to Concerned Project, in which he briefly reports all his activities, his observations, incidents and their causes, the subjects discussed during meetings etc. Also maintain and report all HSE statistics.
• Ensure that HSE procedure, safety stickers, warning signs etc. are posted and all personnel are aware of these procedures.
• Assist in incident investigations and reporting together with project manager and Concerned Project representative.
• Ensure that site practices local rules and regulations, governing protection of the environment. Promotes of local customs and culture, to prevent damage religious places or private property.
• Issues safety equipment and clothing (PPE) to personnel, Checks it is used. Checks and records all safety resources; personnel, equipment (PPE), vehicles, supplies, finances, etc. delegated to site.
• Design control and recovery measures to combat any additionally recognized hazards. Update safety case.
• Performs unsafe act auditing (UAA). Assists party chief with continuous checks and inspection of the base and fly camps.
• Inspection of safety equipment. Checks equipment, machinery, buildings, piping, wiring, camp, water supply, food preparation, personnel etc. for HSE hazards and possible safety improvements.
• Reports on unsafe equipment.
• Organizes and conducts meetings on HSE guidelines; progress check through interaction between the HSE department and all personnel. Motivates personnel and encourages feedback in HSE matters, during toolbox meetings. Monitors and implements the HSE rules.
• To ensure that the daily vehicles checks are carried out a reported.
• Compiles total exposure hours and total kilometer driven on a weekly basis. Checks the vehicles are being properly inspected and maintained.
• Reports on shortcomings in journey management and adverse pressures put on the transport infrastructure.
• Ensures that all drivers are properly assessed prior to recruitment.
• Teaches defensives driving (together with the senior mechanic).
• Organizes and conducts induction meetings for new personnel.
Construction/Site Supervisors
• Responsible for ensuring that the workers under his supervision understand and comply with all HSE procedure explained to him by his supervisor.
• Responsible for setting a good example to his works with regard to safety.
• Responsible for his workers having the correct PPE with them at all times and he ensures that this PPE is properly used and maintained.
• To report to his supervisor any worker who fails to comply with his area of responsibility.
Appendix – 3
HSE Introduction
Mandatory For all
Given By Safety Officer
Schedule Before commencing assigned job/new recruitment
• Concerned Project / MIMA HSE policies
• Immediate supervisors
• Assigned duties
• Procedures regarding PPE
• Safe working procedures
• Associated HSE hazards
• Emergency response procedures
• Available medical facilities.
First aid (Basic)-1
Mandatory For all
Given By Doctor Medic
Schedule Before commencing assigned work, fortnightly refresher
• Contents of first aid box
• Medivac procedure
• General health and hygiene
• Aims and responsibilities of firs aid
• Basic anatomy and physiology
• Unconsciousness and causes
• Resuscitation
• Wounds and bleeding
• Shock Recognition
• Fracture
• Handling of casualties
• Bandaging / immobilization of fractures
• Reporting and recorded medical cases
Fire Fighting
Mandatory Fire-teams/wardens
Given By Safety representative
Schedule Start of operations
• Types of fire
• Causes of fire
• Types of fire extinguishers
• Additional fire extinguishing agent
• Use of fire extinguishers
Defensive Driving
Mandatory All drivers
Given By Safety advisor
Schedule Before commencing assigned work for drivers requiring
• Pre-start checks
• Starting procedures
• Gears
• Steering
• Brakes
• Driving under normal conditions
• Reversing
• Stopping and start on a bill
• Stopping
• Terming
• Overtaking
• Approaching intersection
• Right of way
• Driver signals
• Traffic signals
• Local highway code
Supervisor workshop
Mandatory For all senior supervisors
Given By HSE Officer MIMA (Assisted by Concerned Project HSE Adviser)
Schedule Before commencing full operations
• Safety management system
• Leadership and commitment
• Policies, objectives and targets
• Planning
• HSE case; hazards, procedures, dissemination and feed back.
• Implementation and monitoring.
Appendix – 4
General safety procedures
• Rules and regulations on the crew have to be followed.
• No illegal or unprescribed drugs to be taken at any time.
• Working hours are from sunrise to sun set or as required.
• Daily toolbox meetings are to be held each morning before start of work with weekly report to safety department.
• Smoking only in designated areas in camps. No smoking in forested areas or living tents.
• Do not leave work area or camp without informing your immediate supervisor, camp boss or a co-worker.
• Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when carrying out assigned work.
• Place all rubbish in rubbish bins or return to base camp for disposal.
• Notify immediate supervisor or base camp immediately of any accident, injury, hazardous or unsafe conditions.
• Report unsafe acts immediately to immediate supervisor or the safety department.
• Report any illness to the doctor or medic immediately.
• Wear safety belts when traveling in vehicles.
• Always sit down when traveling in vehicles.
• No firearms permitted on the crew.
• Take care when people, vehicles and heavy equipment are working on unstable ground near steep slopes.
• No fire in the area.
General Working Procedures
• Check all equipment before beginning work in the morning.
• Personnel protective equipment (PPE) to be worn during work. This includes.
• Coveralls, safety helmet, shoes, gloves, any other required.
• Do not wear loose clothing. Wearing your coveralls. Keep hands and feet away from moving equipment.
• Daily toolbox meeting to be held and attached by all crew personnel.
• Only designated personnel to operate any equipment.
• Strictly observe safety distances.
• Make sure-fire extinguisher / first aid box is present.
• Use proper metal fuel can for transport and storage of fuel. Fuel cans should be clearly labeled.
• Stop engineers before refueling. Use funnel to pour gasoline / diesel into engine to prevent spillage.
• No smoking while area is free of obstacles.
• Stop engine before moving to new location.
• Proper usage of Hand Tools (Appendix 14)
• Proper usage of Power Tool (Appendix 15)
Permitting and Public Relations
When dealing or meeting with local people during or outside of working hours, remember that you represent MIMA and Concerned Project and your behavior reflects on both companies.
• The Manner form time and amount of compulsion payments should be explained to local officials and villagers clearly (only done by assigned PEPL Personnel).
• All personnel should treat the local people with courtesy and Concerned Project respect their culture and believes.
• Do not cause damage to any public or private property secured, religious or historical sites.
• Answer any inquires about the operations in a courteous manner to the best of your ability.
• Do not remove any fruit from private fields or orchards.
• Do not remove any property of material from public or private land.
• Do not cause harm to any animals, pets or livestock.
• Do not leave rubbish any where.
• Do not make loud noise or disturb local people at night.
Safe driving procedures
• Each driver must have a valid driver license.
• Each driver must have a vehicle log book and fill in daily.
• Each driver must carry out a morning check of his vehicle before starting work. This check includes water / engine oil, foot brake / hand brake, front / rare / indicators lights horn / reverse alarm tires / tyro pressure, and minors emergency / safety equipment.
• Seat belts must be worn by driver / passengers before vehicle begin moving.
• All passengers must be seated before vehicle being moving.
• No smoking while vehicle is moving.
• Observe road and traffic warning signs.
• Reduce speed and beware when approaching pedestrian or livestock.
• Do not over load vehicle with people / equipment / material.
• No night driving unless emergency (approved by management).
• No sleeping or resting underneath vehicle.
• Do not work on vehicle with keys in ignition.
• People not working for MIMA or Concerned Project cannot be transported in company vehicles.
• No smoking during fueling operations.
Appendix – 5
Fire Wardens Must:
• Establish control to prevent fire from spreading.
• Make sure that the power supply is cut off
• Remove all other combustible material from the fire area
• Check all offices and residential area and make sure that no buddy is left inside
• Carry out a head cannot of all personnel
• Establish open lines of communication with local fire fighting services if available.
• Record pertinent information for follow up investigation
• Assure traffic control if required.
• Fire drills to be performed fortnightly basis & recorded.
Appendix – 6
In case of a medical emergency, the following action to be taken.
First Aid Case.
• Designate first aider assesses condition / situation and decides on seriousness.
• If located first aid enough – administers first aid and appropriately deposes.
• If FA not enough – summons doctor / medic, attempts at stabilization.
Medivac Case
• Transport stabilized patient to clinic, or decide to make local evacuation.
• Manages patient in clinic until appropriate disposal.
• Patient is administered case in the clinic and managed on-site till recovered, this case would not need medivac.
• Inform Concerned Project, giving details of the incident, name of the patient(s), detail of the injury etc.
• Informing the hospital about the situation and arrival of casually.
• Transports the casually under medical escort.
Appendix – 7
First Aid Box
The first aid box will contain.
• Dressing
• Bandages
• Surgical Tape
• Scissors
• Cold Medicine
• Headache Medicine
• Anti Diarrhea Medicine
• Eye Drops
• Anti fungal Medicine
Ambulance (if required) expenses born by Concerned Project
The ambulance should be free of mechanical breakdown, spacious, good suspension, interior light, drug cabinet. Hooks for drip bottles. It should have the following equipment.
• Oxygen therapy unit
• Suction unit (battery operated)
• Wheeled light stretcher
• First aid box
• Arm / leg splints, board, cervical collars.
• Intubations set
Appendix – 8
An accident investigation should culminate in a comprehensive accident report. The purpose of the report is to record the findings of the accident investigation, the cause or causes of the accident, and recommendations for corrective action.
All injuries and illnesses are supposed to be recorded regardless of severity if they result in any of the outcomes. This information includes at least the following:
• Case number of the accident
• Victim’s department or unit
• Location and date of the accident or date that an illness was first diagnosed.
• Victim’s name, ID card no, sex, age, home address and telephone number.
• Victim’s normal job assignment and length of employment with the company.
• Victim’s employment status at the time of accident (i.e. temporary, permanent, fulltime or part-time).
• Case numbers and names of others injured (e.g. burn to right hand; broken bone, lower right leg) and severity of injury (i.e. fatal, first aid only required, hospitalization required).
• Name, address and telephone number of the physician called.
• Name address and telephone number of the hospital to which the victim was taken.
• Phase of the victim’s workday when the accident occurred (e.g. beginning of shift, during break, end of shift etc.)
• Description of the accident and how it took place, including a step-by-step sequence of events leading up to the accident.
• Specific tasks and activities the victim was involved with at the time of the accident.
• Employee’s posture / proximity related to his or her surroundings at the time of the accident.
• Supervision status at the time of the accident (i.e. unsupervised, directly supervised, indirectly supervised).
• Causes of the accident.
• Corrective actions that have been taken so far.
• Recommendation for additional corrective action.
Appendix – 9
• All shelves and fittings must be lined to prevent any iron or steel being exposed.
• Precautions must be taken to ensure cleanliness removal of dirt.
• Water must be not too stored in or close to the dump as this may have a dangerous effect on the explosives.
• All articles of highly flammable nature must be kept away (warning signs should be displayed).
Appendix – 10
Ordinary Vehicles
Heavy Construction Vehicles
Material transportation Vehicles
The associated environmental pollution parameters could be:
• High noise generation (engine as well as pressure horn blowing)
• Dust emission
• Vehicular Exhaust
Supervisors are required to:
• Advise drivers to drive carefully when the track is built of loose soil
• Not blow pressure horns necessary to avoid disturbance too human / wild life settlement, if any, in the adjoining areas.
• Water sprinkling may be carried out on regular basis to avoid / minimize dust emissions.
• Turn up heavy equipment regularly to avoid excessive emissions.
• Make systematic operation to avoid excessive noise.
• No body should be allowed to disturb natural flora. If such condition arises, senior Concerned Project representative should be consulted. If cluster of free comes in the selected path, all attempts should be made to divert route to avoid unnecessary clearance of trees.
• All workers working in the area where dust emission is possible should use makes.
• Waste (e.g. food waste) should be disposed appropriately. If it comes to incinerating the waste, the activity should be done in isolated location in daylight. Incineration in night is prohibited.
• Other option for non-hazardous solid waste disposal is the burial in pits outside the “Protected Area”.
Appendix – 11
All drivers are to be in possession of valid driving licences for the appropriate category of vehicle. No unauthorized usage of transport will be tolerated. All crew supervisors should ensure that all forms of vehicle are correctly fitted with the appropriate safety equipment.
Safety equipment to include the following:
• Passenger’s protection as a minimum MIMA comply with the following
Seat belts
Seat belts should be worn by the driver, front seat passenger as well as rear seat passengers.
• Vehicles contain a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, tool kit, spare wheel and jack.
Attitude and Training
MIMA senior project Engineer / HSE Officer shall maintain and enhance the awareness of safe driving among its employees and sub-contractor’s employees and for providing vehicles in compliance with all safety regulations and proper maintenance standards. Where applicable. MIMA must ensure that his employees or the employees of the sub-contractor received adequate driving instruction and that visible steps are taken to maintain a safe standard of defensive driving.
Vehicle requirements
• Vehicles shall be fit for purpose, regularly inspected and well maintained in accordance with good driving practices. The front seats of all vehicles should be equipped with seat belts, preferably of the three fixed-point types.
• Heavy vehicles or trucks used for transporting labour should be fitted with benches and handrails. Standing is not permitted while vehicle is in motion.
Appendix – 12
The injuries caused by the incorrect use of hand tools are usually not very serious but even so, considerable pain can be experiences by the injured person if only for a short while. The main causes of these injuries are the use of unsuitable tools, poor maintenance or incorrect storage.
The following general principals should be followed:
• Use the correct tool for the job; for example never use a spanner as a hammer.
• Not use damaged or worn tools.
• Hammers with loose heads files with loose spilt handles, chisels with “mushrooms” heads, or wrenches with splayed jaws.
• Never use a file with a handle, as hand-file tangs are dangerous.
• Use spanners that fit the nut or bolt head properly.
• Keep your hands behind the cutting edge when using cutting tools.
• If your use knives or scissors in your work, keep them in a safe place. It is not safe to put unsheathed knives or scissors in your pocket.
• Use reduce sparking tools as instructed when there is a risk from inflammable or explosives materials.
• Keep your tools clean and in good conditions. Project the edges of sharp tools, both when carried and in store.
• Wear eye protection when chipping, scaling dressing stone or concrete, fitting and cutting rivets or wherever there is a danger of flying particles.
• In buildings with open type flooring, place tools and small items in a box or on a sack to prevent them failing on to the floor below.
• Do not use your hands to slow down or stop a machine or shift a driving belt in motion.
• Do not clean oil or adjust machinery in motion. Authorized machinery attendants, properly clothed as required by law may only do this.
• Protect your eyes when operating machines such as those having abrasive wheels or when turning cast iron or non – ferrous metals. Particles of the abrasive or of the work may cause painful if not permanent injuries if goggles and / or screens are not used.
• Pay attention to the job you are performing on the machine – do not be disturbed by or distract others.
Appendix – 13
• Before using a portable electric tool, make sure the tool is in good order look for signs of overheating, loss of speed and irregular running noises. Also inspect the cable for signs of damaged insulation and connections. If in doubt as to the safety of the tool report to your supervisor.
• Use the right tool for the job.
• Electric cables must be kept away from water, oil, heat and sharp edges. If left in gangways, cables may be cut or coarse someone to trip wherever possibility they must be carried overhead.
• Ensure you have the correct length of electric cable or compressed air hose serving the apparatus; if it is too short get a proper extension.
• Do not lift or drug power tools by their cables.
• Check for tightness all joints in air hose to compressed air tools.
• Take care not to drop portable grinding machines as damaged may occur to the wheel resulting in breakage when it is brought up to speed. If the machine is dropped accidentally always check with your supervisor whether it is safe to use.
• Never force a portable grinder against the work, as dangerous flat spots on the wheel may develop.
• Your work with portable or transportable Electrical & HVAC equipment may require a permit to work. Always check with your supervisor.
• Wear eye protection when using the tool if there is a danger of flying particles.
• Pay attention to what you are doing and do not take your eyes off the job.
• Store tools, hand lamps, cables and hoses in a safe and tidy fashion.
• Power tools must be earthed or grounded.
Appendix – 14
EIA Environment Impact Assessment
ETA Expected Time of Arrival
FAC First Aid Case
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
LTI Lost Time Incident
LTIF Lost Time Incident Frequency
MEDIVAC Medical Evacuation
NM Nearmiss
SCM Site Construction Manager
OH Occupational Health
OM Operations Manager
PD Project Director
PM Project Manager
PPD Partial Permanent Disability
PPE Partial Protective Equipment
RWC Restricted Work Case
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
TRC Total Recordable Cases
AFR Accident Frequency Rate
UA Unsafe Act
UAA Unsafe Act Auditing
US Unsafe Situation